“Mengembang” – yesaya 54:3
Sebab engkau akan mengembang ke kanan dan ke kiri, …
Syarat untuk kita bs dikembangkan yaitu kita setia pada hal2 yang kecil.
Matius 25: 21
Kalau kita setia pada perkara kecil, Ia akan memberikan tanggung jawab pada perkara yang lebih besar.
Ada pelajar yg bercita-cita mau jadi pebisnis besar suatu hari nanti, tapi dalam sehari hari-nya dia ga telaten beresin tugas tugas sendiri, suka nyontek, kalau hutang sama temen ga bayar. Gimana mau cari pebisnis besar yang dipercaya orang kalau teman -temannya sendiri aja yang bisa jadi calon partner dimasa mendatang ga percaya karena
dari dulu dia ga jujur, ga bayar hutang dan ga ada usaha buat ngerjain tugas.
Bagaimana ciri2 orang yang dikembangkan Tuhan?
Dimulai dari diri sendiri.
Buat Tuhan, mempromosikan kita naek itu gampang, cuma Tuhan mau mengembangkan karakter kita dulu supaya kita bener bener siap dan layak menerima kepercayaan yang lebih besar, dengan begitu kita menjadi teladan buat orang lain.
Tdk penting seberapa besar gunung yang ingin ditaklukan tapi seberapa besar kapasitas yang dikembangkan Tuhan dalam diri kita.
Satu lagi, perbesar kapasitas!
Tuhan mau kasih kita berkatNya, bagian kita adalah menyiapkan tempat untuk menampung. Seberapa besar kapasitas ruang yang kita siapkan, sebesar itulah yang akan dipenuhi Tuhan.
Menembus keterbatasan.
Bangsa Israel sdh keluar dari Mesir tapi Mesir tdk pernah pergi dari hati bangsa Israel. Mereka menggerutu, bersungut-sungut, kuatir Tuhan tdk sanggup memelihara hidup mereka.
Dlm bahasa ibrani , mesir artinya ”limitation”
Overcome limitation!
Ironisnya, satu2nya yang membatasi Tuhan adalah diri kita sendiri, seringkali kita seperti bangsa Israel, ragu mentaati perintahNya, itulah yang menghalangi kita menerima berkatNya.
Apa hasilnya? perjalanan ke tanah perjanjian yg seharusnya bs ditempuh beberapa hari harus perlu waktu 40 tahun, dan Tuhan membersihkan generasi yang dalam hatinya terdapat Mesir. Generasi setelah itulah yang bisa masuk dan menerima tanah perjanjian.
Ke kanan dan ke kiri.
Sebab engkau AKAN mengembang ke kanan dan ke kiri,
Kalau Tuhan sudah berkata AKAN, tidak ada seorangpun yang sanggup menaruh kata TIDAK didepannya. Kalau Tuhan sudah berjanji, Ia pasti menepati.
Ke kanan dan ke kiri ???
Amsal 3:16
”Umur panjang ada di tangan kanannya, di tangan kirinya kekayaan dan kehormatan”
Jika karakter kita sudah dikembangkan, kita percaya akan janjiNya, maka Tuhan akan memberkati kita dengan umur panjang, kekayaan dan hormat dan kita akan menjadi berkat dimanapun dan kapanpun kita berada.
source: Philip mantofa
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
komsel minggu 26oct
hola, im back here again ^^
gimana nih kabarnya sekarang ...
rencana besok ada komsel habis dr kebaktian, kita sambil lunch di pyramid gt. pada bisa kan ? soalnya mgkn besok ada edvent sm peggy mau ikutan ke gereja.
gimana2 ?
gimana nih kabarnya sekarang ...
rencana besok ada komsel habis dr kebaktian, kita sambil lunch di pyramid gt. pada bisa kan ? soalnya mgkn besok ada edvent sm peggy mau ikutan ke gereja.
gimana2 ?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
what is ur future?
God Has Seen Your Future And It Is Good!
Isaiah 54:2
2“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.
At the end of 2004, during one of our services, the Lord told our church this: “I your God have gone ahead of you and I have already been to your future. I have seen it. And I declare that it is good.”
Although this word was given through me to our church, I believe that it is not only for our church, but also for every member of the body of Christ.
I tell you, when God declares your future good, it will be good! It will be filled with many wonderfully good days!
So what do you do when the Lord tells you that you are going to have a good future loaded with His blessings? You prepare for it! In other words, before the blessings come, before the increase comes, He wants you to enlarge the place of your tent and stretch forth the curtains of your dwellings.
For example, if you are believing God for a child, start reading books on babies and preparing the baby’s room. In fact, prepare to have more than one child. Start looking for a bigger place for your family for God says, “Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.” Get ready for expansion!
My friend, God wants you to get ready, and expect such favor and increase in the days ahead that “you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited”. (Isaiah 54:3)
Because God has declared your future good, know that you stand on favor ground today. Expect good things to happen to you. Expect to see the favor of God on you and your family. Expect the blessings and increase of the Lord. Expect many good days to show up in your life!
Isaiah 54:2
2“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.
At the end of 2004, during one of our services, the Lord told our church this: “I your God have gone ahead of you and I have already been to your future. I have seen it. And I declare that it is good.”
Although this word was given through me to our church, I believe that it is not only for our church, but also for every member of the body of Christ.
I tell you, when God declares your future good, it will be good! It will be filled with many wonderfully good days!
So what do you do when the Lord tells you that you are going to have a good future loaded with His blessings? You prepare for it! In other words, before the blessings come, before the increase comes, He wants you to enlarge the place of your tent and stretch forth the curtains of your dwellings.
For example, if you are believing God for a child, start reading books on babies and preparing the baby’s room. In fact, prepare to have more than one child. Start looking for a bigger place for your family for God says, “Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.” Get ready for expansion!
My friend, God wants you to get ready, and expect such favor and increase in the days ahead that “you shall expand to the right and to the left, and your descendants will inherit the nations, and make the desolate cities inhabited”. (Isaiah 54:3)
Because God has declared your future good, know that you stand on favor ground today. Expect good things to happen to you. Expect to see the favor of God on you and your family. Expect the blessings and increase of the Lord. Expect many good days to show up in your life!
Gelisah dan khawatir
Gelisah sama khawatir sama ga?skrg w lagi khawatir x la...merasa banyak x berbuat dosa...cemana ini?
sudah beberapa hari ini kan..ga bisa tidur...ada tidur tp cuman bbrp jam..da itu terbangun, hbs itu ga bisa tdr lagi..nth kenapa...aneh...
sudah beberapa hari ini kan..ga bisa tidur...ada tidur tp cuman bbrp jam..da itu terbangun, hbs itu ga bisa tdr lagi..nth kenapa...aneh...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
gelisah ??
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and i will give you rest.
Matt 11:28
Minggu lalu aq lagi ngalamin yang namanya gelisah dan takut dan sedih. memang hari sebelumnya renungan dapet ayat yang bilang kalo kekuatiran itu ga menambah sehasta saja dalam jalan hidup. udah ulang berulang-ulang dalam hati tapi tetep aja gelisah. Aq tanya sm Tuhan, kenapa kok kayaknya ga ada dampak, kenapa aq tetep gelisah.
Memang pas kita ngalamin kita sulit merasakan tangan Tuhan, tapi kalo dipikir balik lagi, Tuhan bener-bener memberikan kelegaan, kalo dengan kekuatan sendiri ga akan bisa balik normal secepet itu, itu aja udah anugrah yang bener2 aq rasain. God is so good.
Pokoknya serahin segala kekuatiran sama Tuhan, Dia tahu kok yang terbaik buat kita...
Jia you semua !!
Matt 11:28
Minggu lalu aq lagi ngalamin yang namanya gelisah dan takut dan sedih. memang hari sebelumnya renungan dapet ayat yang bilang kalo kekuatiran itu ga menambah sehasta saja dalam jalan hidup. udah ulang berulang-ulang dalam hati tapi tetep aja gelisah. Aq tanya sm Tuhan, kenapa kok kayaknya ga ada dampak, kenapa aq tetep gelisah.
Memang pas kita ngalamin kita sulit merasakan tangan Tuhan, tapi kalo dipikir balik lagi, Tuhan bener-bener memberikan kelegaan, kalo dengan kekuatan sendiri ga akan bisa balik normal secepet itu, itu aja udah anugrah yang bener2 aq rasain. God is so good.
Pokoknya serahin segala kekuatiran sama Tuhan, Dia tahu kok yang terbaik buat kita...
Jia you semua !!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
renungan 16 oct 2008
Malachi 3:17
They will be mine, says the Lord almighty, in the day i make up my jewel.
God's people are his jewel. they're jewel for their sparkling quality and holiness, shine and sparkle in God's eyes.
The godly are precious for their scarcity. The diamond are not common, so does godly people. Few true christians among the millions that tell that believe in God, the godly are jewel for their price.
The diamond are precious for their adorning quality. Jewel adorns those who wear them. Godly people adorn the world, honors the gospel.
While hypocrites eclipse through religion and make it badly spoken of, the saints as jewel render it lustrious by their sanctity
Bless God that he has paid the price to change you from the lumps of dirt and sin , He has made you into his jewel.
They will be mine, says the Lord almighty, in the day i make up my jewel.
God's people are his jewel. they're jewel for their sparkling quality and holiness, shine and sparkle in God's eyes.
The godly are precious for their scarcity. The diamond are not common, so does godly people. Few true christians among the millions that tell that believe in God, the godly are jewel for their price.
The diamond are precious for their adorning quality. Jewel adorns those who wear them. Godly people adorn the world, honors the gospel.
While hypocrites eclipse through religion and make it badly spoken of, the saints as jewel render it lustrious by their sanctity
Bless God that he has paid the price to change you from the lumps of dirt and sin , He has made you into his jewel.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Audrie: Haaadir.... ( Setelah absen sekian lama ;p )
Maaf yah teman2 setelah sekian lama tidak berkunjung hahaha. Lucu banget tes golongan darahnya haha. Ini ada share sedikit cara berdoa y effective yang ditulis sama penulis buku purpose driven life.
How to Pray Effectively by Rick Warren Please remember what you told your servant Moses: “If you sin, I will scatter you among the nations.” Nehemiah 1:8 (NLT) *** *** *** *** Here are four secrets to answered prayer from the life of Nehemiah: 1. Base your request on God’s character. Pray like you know God will answer you: “I’m expecting you to answer this prayer because of who you are. You are a faithful God. You are a great God. You are a loving God. You are a wonderful God. You can handle this problem, God!" 2. Confess the sins of which you’re aware. After Nehemiah bases his prayer on who God is, he confesses his sins. He says, “We’ve sinned.” He says “I confess . . . myself . . . my father’s house . . . we have acted wickedly . . . we have not obeyed.” It wasn’t Nehemiah’s fault that Israel went into captivity. He wasn’t even born when it happened and he was most likely born in captivity. Yet, he’s including himself in the national sins. He says, “I’ve been a part of the problem.” 3. Claim the promises of God. Nehemiah prays to the Lord, saying, “I want you to remember what you told your servant Moses.” Can you imagine saying “remember” to God? Nehemiah reminds God of a promise he made to the nation of Israel. In effect, he prays, “God, you warned through Moses that if we were unfaithful, we would lose the land of Israel. But you also promised that if we repent, you’d give it back to us.” Does God have to be reminded? No. Does he forget what he’s promised? No. Then why do we do this? Because it helps us remember what God has promised. 4. Be very specific in what you ask for. If you want specific answers to prayer, then make specific requests. If your prayers consist of general requests, how will you know if they’re answered? Nehemiah is not hesitant to pray for success. He’s very bold in his praying. Have you ever prayed, “Lord, make me successful?” If you haven’t, why haven’t you? What is the alternative? A failure? Is it okay to ask God to make you successful? It all depends on your definition of success! I believe a good definition of success is: “Fulfilling God’s purpose for my life in faith, love, and the power of the Holy Spirit, and expecting the results from God.” That is a worthy life objective that you should be able to pray for with confidence. Consider this: If you can’t ask God to make you a success at what you’re doing, you should be doing something else. God doesn’t want you to waste your life.
Renungan 13 oct 2008
Habakkuk 3:17-18
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.
Gw suka banget sama ayat yg dikasih hari ini sm blog kt...
terkadang kita give thanks sm Tuhan kalo cuma kita berkecukupan, kalo semuanya ga ada masalah.dan kalo ada masalah, kita mulai bersungut sungut dan meragukan kasih Tuhan.
Tapi Habakuk menekankan disini walaupun segala sesuatu tidak berjalan dengan baik, ia tetap setia rejoice in the Lord, mengucap syukur karena ia sudah menjadi Tuhan kita.
Bagaimana dengan kita ....
Have a nice day.. jia you buat yang banyak tugas.. .keep your spirit on. and. TETEP REJOICE IN THE LORD ^^
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.
Gw suka banget sama ayat yg dikasih hari ini sm blog kt...
terkadang kita give thanks sm Tuhan kalo cuma kita berkecukupan, kalo semuanya ga ada masalah.dan kalo ada masalah, kita mulai bersungut sungut dan meragukan kasih Tuhan.
Tapi Habakuk menekankan disini walaupun segala sesuatu tidak berjalan dengan baik, ia tetap setia rejoice in the Lord, mengucap syukur karena ia sudah menjadi Tuhan kita.
Bagaimana dengan kita ....
Have a nice day.. jia you buat yang banyak tugas.. .keep your spirit on. and. TETEP REJOICE IN THE LORD ^^
Friday, October 10, 2008
Blood type
Oh ya.ini mau share ke sini tentang blood type kita..hehehe lucu sekali ceritanya hehehe..
w dapat dari blog teman serumah saya..jadi kita semua juga tau..hahahahaahaha...
blood typenya menunjukan sifat kita gimana..hehhe kalian liat d..betul ga sama yg dibilang..hehehe

saya type o..hahahhhaa lucu sekali..kalo kalian da pernah liat..hhehehe gpp d..cuman lucu aja...
w dapat dari blog teman serumah saya..jadi kita semua juga tau..hahahahaahaha...
blood typenya menunjukan sifat kita gimana..hehhe kalian liat d..betul ga sama yg dibilang..hehehe

Halllo coi coi..hahahahahahahaah selamat sore saya ucapkan..hehehehehe
sebenarnya sih ga tau mau post apa..hehehee...
cuman pengen bilang...hehehehehehehehehehehehehe pengen foto2 lagi..hehehe kapan mau foto2 lagi nih...?tp kan uda mulai sibuk...
jadi ya di undurkan sampe 2 bulan lagi...bulan 12..aja..okok..hehehehe sesi foto kita...
persiapkan hati kalian ya buat foto2 nanti..hehehehe
oh ya..cerita profile kita belum saya buat nih...heheheh
kalian juga cepat2 buat ya..hahaha (padahal w juga belum buat) hehehehe
kalian bulan 12 pulang indo ga?saya tidak pulang....hehaiahahahahaahha
uda a..ga tau mau tulis apa lagi..ok la...daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
sebenarnya sih ga tau mau post apa..hehehee...
cuman pengen bilang...hehehehehehehehehehehehehe pengen foto2 lagi..hehehe kapan mau foto2 lagi nih...?tp kan uda mulai sibuk...
jadi ya di undurkan sampe 2 bulan lagi...bulan 12..aja..okok..hehehehe sesi foto kita...
persiapkan hati kalian ya buat foto2 nanti..hehehehe
oh ya..cerita profile kita belum saya buat nih...heheheh
kalian juga cepat2 buat ya..hahaha (padahal w juga belum buat) hehehehe
kalian bulan 12 pulang indo ga?saya tidak pulang....hehaiahahahahaahha
uda a..ga tau mau tulis apa lagi..ok la...daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
White lie vs Hard Truth
Komsel, 5 oktober 08
not every truth is mine to tell.
A truth shared in confidence or a truth that would needlessly hurt anyone is not mine to tell.
Not every person has a right to know the truth.
Some willfully distort what they hear; some use facts to attack the life of larger; some have hard and harsh tongues.
Not everytime is appropriate for the truth.
Some seasons call for tactful silence.
Not every way of communication honors the truth.
Sometimes the manner in which something get conveyed corrode reality.
Some motives for telling the truth are simply too destructive to be clothed in respectability.
When it's the wrong truth or wrong person or wrong time or wrong way or wrong reason,
A white lie may have more integrity than an insensitive honesty.
But when white lie begin to turn slightly shade of gray, when does it cross over and become immoral?
A question need to be asked : does this lie protect the other person or myself.
Carlyle Marney said:
you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you flinch before it makes you free.
Less clearly we see the reality, more our minds befuddle by misconceptions and illusion, less able to determine correct action and make wise decisions.
Our view of reality is a map to negotiate the terrain of life.
By speaking the truth, we enable one another to chart accurate maps, to get from here to wherever we're going with integrity and grater wholeness.
Two Guidelines of telling truth:
1. Truth must be relevant to the situation.
2. Truth must be used to build up and not to tear down.
Dedicate ourself to speaking the truth with pertinent and LOVE even when it's difficult. By doing this we'd help one another chart maps that correspond to reality and we just might even have an easier time finding our way in life.
Drawn from article by Donald W McCullogh.
'Speaking the right truth to the right person at the right time in the right way for the right reason'
not every truth is mine to tell.
A truth shared in confidence or a truth that would needlessly hurt anyone is not mine to tell.
Not every person has a right to know the truth.
Some willfully distort what they hear; some use facts to attack the life of larger; some have hard and harsh tongues.
Not everytime is appropriate for the truth.
Some seasons call for tactful silence.
Not every way of communication honors the truth.
Sometimes the manner in which something get conveyed corrode reality.
Some motives for telling the truth are simply too destructive to be clothed in respectability.
When it's the wrong truth or wrong person or wrong time or wrong way or wrong reason,
A white lie may have more integrity than an insensitive honesty.
But when white lie begin to turn slightly shade of gray, when does it cross over and become immoral?
A question need to be asked : does this lie protect the other person or myself.
Carlyle Marney said:
you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you flinch before it makes you free.
Less clearly we see the reality, more our minds befuddle by misconceptions and illusion, less able to determine correct action and make wise decisions.
Our view of reality is a map to negotiate the terrain of life.
By speaking the truth, we enable one another to chart accurate maps, to get from here to wherever we're going with integrity and grater wholeness.
Two Guidelines of telling truth:
1. Truth must be relevant to the situation.
2. Truth must be used to build up and not to tear down.
Dedicate ourself to speaking the truth with pertinent and LOVE even when it's difficult. By doing this we'd help one another chart maps that correspond to reality and we just might even have an easier time finding our way in life.
Drawn from article by Donald W McCullogh.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bohong putih ???
Hii all ,
saya lagi liburan sampe 13 Oktober nih, kalaupun ada kelas paling cuma trip ke gallery atau workshop. Jadi, mungkin bisa tiba-tiba aq ngabur jalan2 kemana gitu.. hehe
Oh ya, selamat hari raya - maap lahir batin ^^
Mau share nih, kelanjutan tentang hari minggu lalu
(buat cizi yg ga dateng - gini nih, kita lagi bahas tentang "bohong untuk kebaikan". ceritanya pake contoh kejadian Abraham dan Abimelekh - kej 20)
trs aq ngajak kita semua buat berfikir, menurut kalian gimana sih bohong untuk kebaikan itu ?
contohnya apalagi di alkitab atau contoh real sehari-hari.
atau , pernah ga sih kita melakukannya?
Trs sebenernya gimana pandangan Tuhan tentang itu.
Pokoknya pikirin aja menurut kalian apa tentang topic ini.
Nanti kita bahas dan sharing bareng ya pas komsel selanjutnya, minggu ini habis kebaktian pagi. ^^
Ok deh , sampe disini dulu kali ini.
Happy Holiday ^^
saya lagi liburan sampe 13 Oktober nih, kalaupun ada kelas paling cuma trip ke gallery atau workshop. Jadi, mungkin bisa tiba-tiba aq ngabur jalan2 kemana gitu.. hehe
Oh ya, selamat hari raya - maap lahir batin ^^
Mau share nih, kelanjutan tentang hari minggu lalu
(buat cizi yg ga dateng - gini nih, kita lagi bahas tentang "bohong untuk kebaikan". ceritanya pake contoh kejadian Abraham dan Abimelekh - kej 20)
trs aq ngajak kita semua buat berfikir, menurut kalian gimana sih bohong untuk kebaikan itu ?
contohnya apalagi di alkitab atau contoh real sehari-hari.
atau , pernah ga sih kita melakukannya?
Trs sebenernya gimana pandangan Tuhan tentang itu.
Pokoknya pikirin aja menurut kalian apa tentang topic ini.
Nanti kita bahas dan sharing bareng ya pas komsel selanjutnya, minggu ini habis kebaktian pagi. ^^
Ok deh , sampe disini dulu kali ini.
Happy Holiday ^^
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